One of the most uncommon
Resurrection icons is that of the "Harrowing of Hell". Though
this has been commonly held by Christians since very early times, it is only
mentioned in scripture vaguely (cf. Eph 4:9, I Pet. 3: 18-20). Though
this would have been a common theme in Medieval times, now it is only
occasionally encountered by students of literature or historians of art.
The rest of us may be surprised at
how separated we are from this teaching and especially the art. When the
definition of the word "harrow" is looked up, you will find that
farming is the central theme of the word. It means to break up the soil,
pulverize, and level the ground after plowing. Basically it give the idea
of breaking up large clods of soil, or in a like manner, to lacerate, torment,
or harass. The Hell being referenced here would not be the place of
eternal damnation, but the place to which Christ descended in the Apostles
Creed. It would be the abode of the dead, referred to by Jesus in the
Gospels (cf. Mt. 25:10, Lk. 13:29; 14:15; 16:22; 23:43). This would have
been known to the Greeks as Hades, and to scholastic theologians as the
"Limbo of the Fathers".
God created man for
happiness with Himself and placed him in Paradise, but through sin, man chose
another option and broke that relationship, subjecting all descendants to the
death of sin- even the just would be subjected to it and be deprived of the
vision of God. They would remain imprisoned until the Savior would come
to release them.
Through the Precious
Blood of the Cross, Christ Jesus died so that the keys to the realm of death
would be stolen, the sting of death would be vanquished, and the bars of Hell
would be shattered. As the soil may be harrowed to allow for new growth,
Christ has Harrowed Hell so that life might spring forth. Death would no
longer have power over mankind.
In the picture above
known as "The Harrowing of Hell", it represents the effect of Christ
rather than the event. Christ is portrayed not coming from the tomb, as
we are used to in Resurrection art, but Himself raising us from the dead.
Standing victorious on the demolished gates of Hell, he is forcefully
pulling Adam and Even from their tombs. Prophets, Patriarchs, kings, and
Righteous men of old stand in awe, witnessing His saving power. Scattered
below him are the broken locks and bolts- He has destroyed our prison of sin
and death, and we have been set free.
The grip of this world
and its securlarist movement seems powerful and almost an unstoppable force,
but what is not often remembered by Catholics today is that what Christ did
once, he does for all time. Through the Sacraments and Spiritual Weapons,
such as the Rosary, we invoke Christ's power to "Harrow" that which
threatens us. He tramples and pulverizes the soil ahead of us so that the
seeds of the Springtime may be planted. We only need to remember this
when faced with uneven turf ahead, or rocks in the soil, or underbrush in the
way. Christ can and will Harrow the death that faces us eye to eye so
that we need not fear. Ploughshares in this sense are still the weapon
they were fashioned from- to destroy the gates of Hell and to shatter death, so
that Christ may Reign!
+Ad Majoram Dei Gloriam!
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